Dolmenwood Sessions 39 Through 42

The following is an amalgamation of four session reports from my Dolmenwood game which restarted about two months. I’ve left some minor stuff out but the important bits are here. When I refer to downtime activities, we’re using the Downtime in Zyan procedures as well as the carousing tables from 3d6 Down the Line.

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View comments February 23, 2024 Dolmenwood Play Reports OSE OSR

Vignettes From the Wood - 2

Here are some more stories from my Dolmenwood game. The game is moving again (and the next session is tonight), so I hope to do a blogpost covering the past few sessions next week!

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View comments January 11, 2024 Dolmenwood Play Reports OSE OSR

Vignettes From the Wood - 1

My group was supposed to restart our Dolmenwood campaign last week, but unfortunately we ended up having to cancel the session due to a few players being unavailable. Normally we’d carry on, but it didn’t feel right to restart our primary campaign without the whole crew there. So, instead of my planned session recap I’m instead going to write up a few highlights of the campaign until this point.

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View comments December 12, 2023 Dolmenwood Play Reports OSE OSR

The Queen of Mirrors

She of the Shattered Visage. The Endless Reflection. Lady of Uncountable Eyes. Warden of the Other Self.

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View comments November 30, 2023 Worldbuilding Fiction Otherworldly Beings

Homebrew Items and Abilities - Dolmenwood Campaign

The main campaign that I have been running with my weekly group uses the Dolmenwood setting and materials. That campaign has been on hiatus for several months after a big tournament event put on by Baron Hogwarsh just outside the city of High Hankle (in the meantime we’re running some other games).

Over the course of the campaign I’ve developed a few homebrew magic items and a few character abilities. I’m not a fan of items that are simply +X equipment with no other features, so whenever a module I’ve dropped into the campaign has items like that as treasure I have made additions to make them more flavorful and fun to use. The two items below were obtained from an NPC in The Hole in the Oak, so the base descriptions may sound familiar if you’ve played or read that module.

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View comments November 28, 2023 Dolmenwood Magic Items Abilities OSE OSR

Why Am I Even Here?

I’ve been playing ttrpgs for quite some time now, even though I took a long hiatus in the middle. My first brush with games like this was around three decades ago. I was probably 8, give or take a year. A close friend’s dad was running some version of D&D (in retrospect I can theorize that it was a heavily homebrewed version of AD&D 1e) and his family had a party in the sandbox.

It was brutal.

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View comments November 27, 2023